Thursday 31 January 2013

Saturday 26th Janaury 2013

Sunshine today and it was a lot warmer, which was obviously appreciated by a slumbering Common Sealhauled up on the sand at Bull Hill.
We found the Spotted Redshank by River Kenn but no Greenshanks. There were distant views of fourteen Goldeneye off Cockwoodbut two Slavonian Grebes were closer on the opposite side of the boat.
Large flocks of Lapwing lifted off Exminster Marshes with an accompanying smaller flock of Golden Plover and approximately
300 Brent Geese were seen in flight over fields at Turf Lock.
On our approach to Topsham, as we started to see waders, an unexpected sighting was a Peregrine. It was perched on a small branch which was lying on the mud, surveying its surroundings. 
As our eyes fell back onto the river the Long-tailed Duck was in close proximity. Two contrasting species.
As we returned accompanied by squadrons of Oystercatchers going to roost, five Gadwall were a surprise and a few Wigeon
were seen reminding us that there are thousands of these ducks wintering on the Exe but usually staying on the marshes.
Ian Waite

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