Monday 28 January 2013

Friday 25th January 2013

A cold windy trip but good birding.
Before we left the dock two Slavonian Grebes were seen from the rear of the boat feeding amongst the buoys.
They were still there when we returned from visiting the mouth of the river where I was surprised to see Oystercatchers and Sanderling sharing the Exmouth beach with dog walkers.
Having had good second views of the Slavonian Grebes, comparing their size against handsome Shags, we were soon enjoying an excellent sighting of five Goldeneye including two stunning males.
As we approached Topsham the Long-tailed Duck went down river past the boat, only seen by a few. Obligingly it waitedfor us to return and showed well.
After recent cold weather wader numbers appeared to have increased, particularly Godwits and Avocets.
Grey Plovers were very confiding today, an opportunity to examine their plumage and “jizz”. Such characters!
A cold day but there was a good variety of birds seen
Ian Waite

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