Monday 14 January 2013

Saturday 12th January 2013

A very different afternoon compared with the previous two days, and the tide much higher with low pressure and an onshore breeze. 

A fresh south-easterly kept the visibility good and, although we still had some showers, the sun came out to shine on the Shags and turn them into ‘Green Cormorants’! 

There were more Shags today in the outer estuary, with at least 70 counted. Great Black-backed Gulls were also more prominent today, with over 100 sitting in groups on the sandbanks. 

The Slavonian Grebe gave quite good views near Dawlish Warren and 11 Goldeneye at Cockwood included one adult drake.

Half a dozen Sanderlings fed along the edge of the sandbank in the centre of the estuary. 

At Powderham, the first Avocets were feeding again as were nine Greenshanks on the return journey. 

Large numbers of Avocets (500?), Black-tailed Godwits (1000?) and Dunlins were feeding widely over the mudbanks between Lympstone and Topsham. 

About 50 Golden Plovers flew over Exminster Marshes with a larger flock of Lapwings. 

As we approached Topsham, we got some better views of Bar-tailed Godwits, but there still no Knot to be found. 

The female-type Long-tailed Duck was again the star bird, giving us good views alongside some nice, close Red-breasted Mergansers.

Dave Smallshire

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