Monday 12 March 2012

Wednesday 7th March & Thursday 8th March

Wednesday 7th March

A strong wind coming down the river and low tide combined with high pressure meant very low water and a trip exceeding 4 hours.

As usual we first visited the beds out towards the sea where, as expected this time of year there were quite a few Brent Geese feeding on the Eel Grass.  Having grazed most of the vegetation in the River during the winter this area provides a further source of their favourite food.  They will need it as they will soon be making their long journey north.

The first section of the River was low on birds probably due to the strong winds and it was surprising to see a flock of Grey plovers at the Dawlish Warren end.
We had brief views of Spotted Redshank at Powderham, the Slavonian Grebe was seen  and Great Crested Grebes were still in double figures.  Waders were spread out and only 20 Avocets were seen. Bar- tailed Godwits numbers were also down.

Two female Goldeneye took off and flew past the boat and a first for my trips this year, a flock of Golden Plovers flew in front of the boat heading towards Exminster Marshes.

Thursday 8th March

The wind had dropped today but still the trip lasted over 4 hours due to low water.

A similar picture to yesterday but the best view yet of the Spotted Redshank with the Greenshanks at Powderham and of the Slavonian Grebe diving close to the boat.

There were good views of Turnstone in and around the boats at Dawlish End. At Topsham only a few Avocets and Bar-tailed Godwits.  It would appear many birds have left for their breeding areas already although Black-tailed Godwit and Dunlin numbers are still well up.  Perhaps it’s because they have shorter distances to go?

One advantage of finishing late was that we saw the Little Egrets going into roost in a conifer at the southern end of Powderham.  Like snowflakes on the tree.

My last trip this year with a distinct feeling that it won’t be long before our winter visitors will be off, hopefully for a successful breeding season.

Ian Waite
To close my last Bird Watching trip for this season, here are some fantastic photos by Sue Smith of the rarer birds on these trips
Spotted Red Shank

Slavonian Grebe

Golden Eye

 All Photgraphs copywrite of Sue Smith

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