Monday 26 March 2012

Wednesday 21st March - a little extra trip!

Obviously most of our winter visitors had left but there was still plenty to see on this late trip.

As usual we started by visiting the beds outside the mouth of the river and I was surprised to see approximately 200 Brent Geese in and around these beds. There was still lots of Eel Grass remaining here providing food for these Brents.

Most of the waders were together some way down river from Topsham.  There were at least 250 Black-tailed Godwits, some developing their beautiful summer colours, with a few Bar-tails and Dunlin.

A group of six Great Crested Grebes and good numbers of Red-breasted Mergansers gave good views.
Highlight of the trip was our resident Common Seal lying on a sand bar very close to the boat surrounded by 19 Sanderling.

Our resident seal sharing the bank with Sanderlings

Oystercatchers, a bird not often mentioned, but such an attraction, were still in good numbers and I look forward to seeing them and all the other species next winter.

Ian Waite

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