Monday 19 March 2012

Sunday 18th March - last of the season!

Sunday 18th March
A glorious sunny morning for the last birdwatching cruise of the season, continuing a spell of fine weather that has seen some earlydepartures of wintering birds. 

Although the Avocets seem to have left a little early, it was nice to see a recently arrived migrant Sandwich Tern sitting on a buoy off Exmouth seafront. Grebes featured again in the estuary, with some nice views of at least 6 Great Crested; unfortunately the Slavonian and a couple of Little Grebes were only seen at a distance. About 20 Shags and rather more Cormorants,including splendid adults of both species in breeding finery, were seen, sometimes at very close range. 

Red-breasted Mergansers were still present in good numbers(maybe 50), but Brent Geese, Wigeon and Teal numbers are now much reduced. A Buzzard flew over the boat heading towards Exmouth from Dawlish Warren, most probably a migrant bird, and several others could be seen displaying in the breeze over the hills surrounding the estuary.

A tight flock of Golden Plovers sat on the mud near Turf and we had good views of Bar-tailed and Black-tailed Godwits at Topsham, though only a dozen of the latter. The wader highlight was the Spotted Redshank with several Greenshanks off Powderham, where Herons could be seen attending nests.

Surprisingly, only one Common Gull was seen. 

The resident Common (Harbour) Seal was hauled out on Bull Hill sandbank, giving great views.
Common Harbour Seal

Can’t wait until next winter!

Best wishes


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