Monday 11 February 2013

Thursday 7th February 2013

Dry and cloudy, though a little sun later in the cruise.

It was good to see a few Sanderlings along the tideline at Pole Sands and Dawlish Warren, chasing the waves in and out in classic fashion. 

The Harbour Seal was hauled out on Bull Hill – and in fact still there on our return.

Five Great Crested Grebes and a Little Grebe were in mid-estuary, where a group of 6 Goldeneye included a smart drake. 

The wintering Spotted Redshank stood preening at Powderham beside a Greenshank, with Redshanks in the background: a lovely comparison. 

In the Turkey Oaks, several Grey Herons were busy at the heronry. 

All the Little Egrets seen today were on the estuary; they will start nesting later.

Someone spotted a Peregrine sitting on a log on the mud as we approached Topsham, no doubt eyeing up its next meal!

 The avocets – maybe 500 in total – put on a great show, just as the sun started to appear. 

Teal and Bar-tailed Godwits also gave nice views at Topsham, though as usual the latter were greatly outnumbered by Black-tails. 

As the boat turned at Topsham, several Snipe zigzagged up from the Cord Grass and off towards Exminster Marshes. 

Hundreds of Brent Geese – probably disturbed from the Clyst Valley– were preening close to the boat on the return journey.

Dave Smallshire

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