Monday 18 February 2013

Sunday 10th February 2013

Shag by Sue Smith
Immediately noticed absence of Shags today, as expected.  They will be on the cliffs nesting already as were several Herons in the trees at Powderham.
Bat Tailed Godwit by Dave Smallshire
Not for the first time this year the large flocks of Black-tailed Godwits were not sighted - just a few individuals outnumbered by the Bar-tailed.
Avecet feeding by Dave Smallshire
Avocets impressed the passengers with close views of them and their feeding habits.
Their blue legs obvious to most.

At least four Greenshanks were seen near the River Kenn and probably the Spotted Redshank although light, distance and legs submerged in water prevented a definite identification.
For the second time on my trips I was surprised to see four Ringed Plovers at this location.
Once again the Long Tailed Duck showed well. Such a reliable bird this winter as at present are the group of Goldeneye seen near Starcross.
At least eight Great Crested Grebes today with some showing their spring colours.
A large flock of Brent Geese were seen in a distant field at start of trip but very obligingly landed on the river as we arrived at Turf.

Ian Waite

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