Saturday 18 February 2012

Saturday 18th February

This morning's cruise was in excellent, fairly even light, which made for good viewing conditions.

Again, Great Crested Grebes were present in exceptional numbers (for the Exe), with about 15 seen –some of them in breeding plumage now. We also had more sightings of Sanderlings than usual, though only about 10 in all.

The resident Harbour (Common) Seal was hauled out on Bull Hill sandbank … and still there when we returned! With the Redshanks off Powderham there were 4 Greenshanks and a Spotted Redshank, the latter an uncommon sight.

Approaching Turf, we had excellent views of the wintering Red-breasted Goose with hundreds of Brent Geese. Most of the 500-550 Avocets, 500+ Black-tailed Godwits and several hundred Bar-tailed Godwits were lined up for us along the river near Topsham: a superb spectacle.

We had good views of Teal and Red-breasted Mergansers here too. Among the teeming masses of Dunlins probing into the soft mud were dozens of Grey Plover and maybe 20 Knot. Lots of Common Gulls (100?), mainly towards Topsham, and half a dozen adult Lesser Black-backed Gulls (always a scarce bird on the Exe) added variety to the gull flocks.

Dave Smallshire

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