Monday 13 February 2012

7th & 8th February 2012

Tuesday 7th February
 Today it was a case of perfect timing.  High pressure with low tide made for slow progress to Topsham.  As we turned for the return journey a large flock of Brent Geese appeared flying in from Darts Farm direction and landed alongside the river in front of us.  It was a wonderful sight that got better as we approached.  The Red-breasted Goose was the first bird giving excellent views and we had the wonderful guttural chatter of the Brent Geese.
  All expected waders were seen but well spread out due to large areas of mud exposed by the tide.

  A female Goldeneye flew past and the Common Seal entertained as it tackled a large flat fish.

Wednesday 8th February

Similar conditions to yesterday.  As usual we started by checking the exposed beds outside the river mouth where on the sand bar there was a pair of Peregrine Falcons.  The larger female sat looking in our direction whilst the male was enjoying a meal.  First time I have seen them in this area.  If seen they are usually on the sandbanks inside the river mouth.
 Once again waders were spread out but there were still good views of most species, especially Knot and Grey Plover.  There was only a distant view of a Slavonian Grebe but Great Crested Grebes were regularly seen.
 Once again Bar-tailed Godwits outnumbered Black-tailed.  As we returned to the Harbour a pair of Razorbills very obligingly stayed on the surface close to the boat.

P.S. Pleased to say despite the late finish I was on time for treading the boards!

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