Monday 26 November 2012

Sunday 25th November

Considering the awful weather of recent days we were lucky to have some sunshine and blue skies for our trip but with the volume of water the majority of feeding areas were covered.

Because of this waders and ducks were scarce but still, as always, there were some memorable moments.

A flock of approximately 2000 plus Dunlin flying very close to the boat in a long line.

At least 400 Avocet spread out across the mud near Turf Lock with
excellent views of these birds and their unique way of feeding. We even saw the blue legs.

The Brent Geese were spread out along the river.  The depth of water had made the usual beds of eel grass impossible to graze.

The plumage of the Shags was impressive and they certainly outnumbered the Cormorants.

There were a few Sanderlings, Bar-tailed Godwits, Redshanks and Curlews although as usual Oystercatchers were plentiful.

Turnstones obliged by feeding on the rocks at the Harbour entrance and Red- breasted Merganser made regular appearances.

When I returned home and saw TV news showing the levels of the Exe further upstream I was amazed that the cruise took place and we saw what we did.

Ian Waite

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