Wednesday 24 October 2012

It's almost time......


With the new Guided Bird Watching season almost upon us we are looking out eagerly each day for the arrival of our Winter visitors.  Ian Waite and Dave Smallshire will once again be providing excellent commentary and guidance on our trips and we have asked them to give us their thoughts on the 2012/20313 season;

Looking forward to another winter of getting ‘up close and personal’ to the thousands of birds on the Exe and meeting ‘regulars’ and new passengers.
One of the special moments last season was a Common Seal pulled up on a sand bar surrounded by Sanderlings.
What special moments will there be this winter?
Who knows?
Ian Waite

Well, the so-called summer has passed and many of the estuary’s wintering birds have flooded back in this month: thousands of wildfowl, waders and gulls, including Brent Geese, Red-breasted Mergansers and of course Avocets. 
The Slavonian Grebe looks set to spend another winter off Cockwood, where a Razorbill recently appeared after a gale. 
Shags have also begun to feed inside the estuary in numbers; how nice it would be if a Great Northern Diver or two joined them for the winter. 
Every winter is different, so I wonder what special birds will join us this winter on our cruises? 
I can’t wait!  
Dave Smallshire