Monday 12 December 2011

Thursday 8th December

My first trip this winter was  a little windy, to put it mildly and it affected the water levels with less feeding areas exposed, but nevertheless there were birding treats in store,

I was expecting good numbers of Shags and I wasn’t disappointed. Most were amongst the buoys adjacent to the Harbour with some a short distance up river towards the “Floating CafĂ©.”
Groups in double figures showed well with some crests displayed. There were approximately 100, heavily outnumbering Cormorants.  Passengers had a great opportunity to differentiate between the two.

Not many waders today due to the conditions but Avocets came up trumps, good close views.  There were probably 300 plus in total demonstrating both of their feeding methods.
Grey Plover in flight showing characteristic balck armpits

There were a handful of Bar- tailed Godwits with Dunlin, Lapwings, Curlew and Grey Plovers but no Black- tailed Godwits – a species you can almost guarantee to be seen. Every trip is different.

Low numbers of Brent Geese on the river today although flocks were seen flying in the distance behind Star Cross. Regular sightings of Red-breasted Merganser. Six Shelduck were seen amongst the Wigeon and Mallard and there were a few Teal at Topsham as usual.

On return trip we managed to find one Greenshank and one Sanderling as flocks of Oystercatchers passed us on their way to roost at Dawlish Warren.

Ian Waite

All photos by Sue Smith